Working together with filmmaker Catherine Pancake, Citizen Sense has developed 5 videos documenting “Pollution Sensing” fieldwork, resident concerns, monitoring practices and events.

The videos include citizen-gathered footage of local environments and infrastructure, including documentation using monitoring equipment such as the FLIR (infrared red) camera footage shown here (captured by resident Frank Finan).

The 5 videos cover topic areas including, “Industrial Countryside,” “Environmental Exposures,” “Sensing Practices,” “Workshops and Walks,” and “Evidence and Governance.” The videos can also be viewed directly on our Citizen Sense Vimeo site.

The Citizen Sense project is led by Dr Jennifer Gabrys, working in collaboration with researcher Helen Pritchard. These videos were made by Catherine Pancake, with assistance from Alex Friend, Sean McLaughlin, Ibrahim Souadda and Genevieve McPherson. Citizen video documentation provided by Vera Scroggins, Frank Finan and Meryl Solar.

Thanks are due to participating residents in Pennsylvania, including Frank Finan, Rebecca Roter, Meryl Solar, Vera Scroggins, Chuck and Janis Winschuh, Paul Karpich, Barbara Clifford, John Hotvedt, Barbara Scott, Audrey Gozdiskowski, Lisa Paduck, William Ferullo, Ray Kemble, Allison Petryk, and Alex Lotorto, along with numerous anonymous participants, as well as previous Citizen Sense researchers, including Nerea Calvillo, Tom Keene, and Nick Shapiro, and consultants including Kelly Finan (illustration) and Dr Benjamin Barratt (atmospheric science). Thanks are also due to speakers and contributors to the Citizen Sense workshops, walks and roundtable, including Mike Taylor from Create Lab at Carnegie Mellon, David Brown from Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Protection (SWPA EHP), Nancy Wottrich (expert local ecologist), Rebecca Roter from Breathe Easy Susquehanna County (BESC), Laurie Barr from Save Our Streams, Nadia Steinzor from Earthworks, Bruce Braun from the University of Minnesota, and Michael McCawley from West Virginia University. Thanks to Illah Nourbakhsh and the Create Lab at Carnegie Mellon University for loaning Speck devices for use in this study.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 313347, “Citizen Sensing and Environmental Practice: Assessing Participatory Engagements with Environments through Sensor Technologies.”