Because the Citizen Sense Airsift Data Analysis Toolkit is a prototype, from time to time the page may crash or stall. The quickest way to restart the toolkit is to refresh the page. Please avoid repeatedly clicking the enter button, as this will cause the page to crash.
You may occasionally experience a problem with your query if you attempt to switch between different plots. In this case, it is best to refresh the page, particularly after plotting a polar plot. We are currently working to fix these errors. If you notice any particular glitches, please contact us.
The Airsift Data Analysis Toolkit has been developed by Citizen Sense with citizen-generated air quality data collected in London as part of the “Urban Sensing” project area. The Airsift toolkit is based on and adapted from the openair open-source software developed through King’s Environmental Research Group. By using the Airsift toolkit you acknowledge, accept and agree to the Terms of Use.