From late October 2013 to early June 2015, the Citizen Sense research project collaborated with residents of northeastern Pennsylvania to develop a citizen-led air-quality monitoring project.
Working together with filmmaker Catherine Pancake, Citizen Sense has developed 5 videos documenting “Pollution Sensing” fieldwork, resident concerns, monitoring practices and events.
You can view and download over 5 million citizen-generated particulate matter (PM2.5) data points using the Citizen Sense Airsift PM2.5 Data Analysis Toolkit.
Sensors are everywhere. Small, flexible, economical, and computationally powerful, they operate ubiquitously in environments.
Unconventional natural gas extraction in the form of hydraulic fracturing began in the Marcellus Shale region in Pennsylvania in 2003.
Citizen Sense will be running a panel, Sensing Practices, at the American Association of Geographers 2016 in San Francisco.
The industrial practice of gas extraction known as hydraulic fracturing has triggered a wide range of citizen monitoring projects.