As part of the AirKit toolkit, Citizen Sense has created the platform, Airsift, for analyzing citizen data from the Dustbox 2.0. Airsift hosts a range of tools to help you gather data and resources for your air-quality monitoring campaign.

Airsift includes a map of Dustboxes where you can locate different monitoring data. The Analysis tool allows you to visualize Dustbox data in real-time and to look back at historic sensor data.

Through the Observations tool, you can add observations about your local area including smells, noise, visible pollution, activity or changes in the environment, health effects and media reports.

You can assemble your data through the Data Stories tool, which allows you to compile your data and observations, and write narratives about pollution issues in your local community. Citizen Sense has included two example Data Stories from testing the AirKit in Forest Hill. You can also view our Covid Data Stories that we developed as part of this testing period.

The Airsift platform is developed in collaboration with designers and developers at Common Knowledge, and with data architecture input from Lau Tiam Kok. You can find more information about Airsift (version 3) as well as prior versions on our Citizen Sense Github page.

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